Regulation #57-335: Rulemaking Regarding Hazardous Liquid Public Utility Safety Standards at 52 Pa. Code Chapter 59; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Establishes design and construction standards for hazardous liquid public utilities constructing new pipelines and converting, relocating, replacing or otherwise changing existing pipelines, and also sets forth standards for reporting, pressure testing, operations and maintenance, qualification of personnel, and corrosion control.

The final regulation was received on 2/28/24 and was withdrawn by the agency on 4/16/24. A copy of the withdrawal letter can be found under Related Documents. The regulation was resubmitted by the agency on 4/26/24.

Regulation Details
IRRC Number 3330 Proposed Regulation Received January 25, 2022
Agency Name Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission PA Bulletin Publish Date February 12, 2022
Regulation Status Final-Form Close of Public Comment May 12, 2022
PA Code 52 Pa. Code Chapter 59.33
52 Pa. Code Chapter 59.131-59.143
Final Due By May 12, 2024
Analysts Assigned Fiona E. Cormack  (FEC)
Scott R. Schalles  (SRS)
IRRC Comments Due June 13, 2022
Final-Form Regulation Received April 26, 2024
Public Meeting Date June 20, 2024
Published as Final September 14, 2024
Actions Taken
IRRC Approval June 20, 2024
House Committee Deems Regulation Approved June 19, 2024
Senate Committee Deems Regulation Approved June 19, 2024
Withdrawn April 16, 2024

  • Proposed Regulation
  • Final Regulation
  • Related Documents

Public Comments on Proposed Regulation

May 25, 2022

May 16, 2022

May 16, 2022

May 16, 2022

May 16, 2022

Legislative Comments (on the Proposed and Final Regulation)

April 15, 2024

May 25, 2022

April 26, 2022

April 22, 2022

April 22, 2022

IRRC Comments on Proposed Regulation

June 13, 2022

Public Comments on Final Regulation
6-20-24 Public Statements June 20, 2024
Sunoco Pipeline LP 2 June 17, 2024
Christina DiGiulio June 13, 2024
Linda Emory June 13, 2024

Legislative Comments (on the Proposed and Final Regulation)

Representative Frank Burns April 15, 2024
Senator Kearney May 25, 2022
HOUSE ERE COMM 16 MEMBERS April 26, 2022
Rep Friel Otten April 22, 2022
Rep Howard April 22, 2022

IRRC Order(s)

APPROVAL June 20, 2024

In addition to comments, IRRC occasionally receives other correspondence and written materials from state agencies and the legislature regarding pending regulations. These documents can be found on this portion of our website.

3330 04-16-24 Withdrawal Letter April 16, 2024
FF WITHDRAWN February 29, 2024