Regulation #12-54: Workers' Compensation Health and Safety

Requires insurers, self-insurers and group self-insurance funds to provide accident and illness prevention services

Regulation Details
IRRC Number 2038 Proposed Regulation Received June 04, 1999
Agency Name Department of Labor and Industry PA Bulletin Publish Date June 19, 1999
Regulation Status Final-Form Close of Public Comment July 19, 1999
PA Code 34 Pa. Code Chapter 123
34 Pa. Code Chapter 125
34 Pa. Code Chapter 129
34 Pa. Code Chapter 143
Final Due By
Analysts Assigned Mary Lou Harris  (MLH)
John H. Jewett  (JHJ)
Christopher L. Markham  (CLM)
Fiona E. Wilmarth  (FEW)
IRRC Comments Due August 19, 1999
Final-Form Regulation Received March 23, 2001
Public Meeting Date April 19, 2001
Published as Final July 14, 2001
Actions Taken
IRRC Approval April 19, 2001
House Committee Deems Regulation Approved April 13, 2001
Senate Committee Deems Regulation Approved April 13, 2001
Withdrawn Prior to Public Meeting Action March 23, 2001
Withdrawn Prior to Public Meeting Action August 08, 2000

  • Proposed Regulation
  • Final Regulation
  • Related Documents

Public Comments on Proposed Regulation

July 16, 1999

Legislative Comments (on the Proposed and Final Regulation)

August 6, 1999

August 17, 2000

August 8, 2000

August 7, 2000

August 4, 2000

IRRC Comments on Proposed Regulation

August 19, 1999

Public Comments on Final Regulation
BATCH 1 April 13, 2001

Legislative Comments (on the Proposed and Final Regulation)

REP BELFANTI August 6, 1999
REP DeWEESE August 17, 2000
REP De WEESE August 8, 2000
REP BELFANTI August 7, 2000
SEN MELLOW August 4, 2000

IRRC Order(s)

APPROVAL April 19, 2001

In addition to comments, IRRC occasionally receives other correspondence and written materials from state agencies and the legislature regarding pending regulations. These documents can be found on this portion of our website.

PRO RAF AMENDED June 29, 1999
CORRECTED PAGE March 23, 2001
FF WDN March 3, 2001