The full report, orders for each agency, and additional background on IRRC’s review of existing regulations can be found here:

Regulation Search Results

IRRC # Regulation Number Title/Description
3258 18-477 Registration Class Stickers
Rescinds Chapter 55 because registration class stickers are no longer relied on to determine the registered weight of trucks, truck tractors, or combinations.
3200 18-479 Access to and Occupancy of Highways by Driveways and Local Roads
Clarifies who can apply for highway occupancy permits.
3166 18-466 Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
Updates provisions related to inspection of vehicles.
3155 18-469 Hazardous Material Transportation
Updates existing regulations to make them consistent with federal requirements.
3139 18-467 Hauling in Excess of Posted Weight Limit
Updates existing regulations regarding the use of weight restricted highways by vehicles and combinations having a gross weight in excess of the posted weight limit.
3108 18-464 School Bus Drivers; Medical Requirements and Standards
Updates the minimum standards for school bus drivers diagnosed with a brain disease, cognitive impairment or an intellectual or emotional disorder.
3107 18-436 Physical and Mental Criteria, Including Vision Standards Relating to the Licensing of Drivers; Field of Vision; Loss of Consciousness
Updates field of vision requirements for all license holders and requirements for license holders that have had more than one episode of loss of consciousness in the preceding 12 month period.
3102 18-435 School Bus Drivers
Lists the minimum medical requirements for school bus drivers.
3096 18-465 Physical and Mental Criteria, Including Vision Standards, Relating to the Licensing of Drivers
Updates medical requirements and standards for license holders that are being treated for brain disease, cognitive impairment or an intellectual/emotional disorder.
3083 18-461 Authorizing Appropriately Attired Persons to Direct, Control or Regulate Traffic
Authorizes persons to direct, control and regulate traffic and establishes safety attire standards for those persons.
3078 18-463 Authorized Vehicles and Special Operating Privileges
Designates certain vehicles as "authorized vehicles" that may use one or two flashing or revolving yellow lights.
3071 18-437 Rail Freight Grants
Sets forth application requirements, pre-award evaluation criteria, funding limits and post-award requirements for the Rail Freight Assistance Program and the Rail Transportation Assistance Program.
3065 18-460 Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Speed-Timing Devices
Deletes provisions related to outdated speed-timing testing devices and procedures, clarifies language, and includes provisions permitting the use of new technologies approved by the Department.
3055 18-450 Display of Registration Plates
Updates the location and manner of attachment requirements with respect to persons with disability, disabled veterans and severely disabled veterans registration plates.
3013 18-432 Intrastate Motor Carrier Safety Requirements
Provides the Governor with greater flexibility to waive specified provisions of the regulation and retain other provisions as effective in dealing with circumstances warranting a declaration of emergency.
2969 18-419 Authorization to Verify Identification Number
Designates the persons who are authorized to verify the vehicle identification number of a vehicle and clarifies the verification process.
2968 18-433 Access to and Occupancy of Highways by Driveways and Local Roads
Amends existing regulations to better reconcile the needs of motorists entering or leaving state highway right-of-way from adjacent property.
2966 18-428 Temporary Registration Cards and Plates
Amends existing regulations in relation to the issuance of temporary registration plates and cards.
2965 18-427 Messenger Services
Removes bond and sanction language which has been superseded by amendments to the Vehicle Code.
2960 18-431 Roadside Rest Areas
Amends existing regulations to delineate permissible and impermissible activities and conditions at Roadside Rest Areas or Welcome Centers.
2959 18-425 Vehicle Equipment Standards and Safety Inspection Process
Updates equipment and inspection standards to make them consistent with the Vehicle Code and to improve clarity.
2953 18-424 Dual Control Learner's Permit
Updates regulations pertaining to the dual control learner's permit process.
2923 18-423 Delivery of Certificates of Title
Specifies the manner of delivery of encumbered certificates of title and certificates of title which are issued by the Department of Transportation free of a lien or encumbrance.
2922 18-420 Public Transportation - Sustainable Mobility
Addresses the application for and awarding of financial assistance to public transportation entities, local match funding requirements, establishment of minimum system performance criteria and the impact of performance on future funding.
2918 18-426 Intrastate Motor Carrier Safety Requirements
Provides state and local governments with more flexibility for snow removal activities, roadway maintenance activities and traffic control support operations.
2906 18-422 Odometer Reading Disclosure Statements
Repeals an obsolete chapter of regulations pertaining to odometer disclosure statements.
2779 18-415 Transportation Enhancement Grants from Automated Red Light Enforcement System Revenues
Establishes a Transportation Enhancement Grant Program for the use of revenue generated from automated red light enforcement systems.
2745 18-414 Intrastate Motor Carrier Safety Requirements
Amends existing regulations to ensure that Pennsylvania's regulations are consistent with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and Hazardous Materials Regulations
2744 18-413 Interstate Motor Carrier Safety Requirements
Amends existing regulations to ensure that Pennsylvania's regulations are consistent with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and Hazardous Materials Regulations.
2710 18-409 Air Transportation
Provides limitations and requirements for licensing landing facilities, participation in aviation development grants and local real estate tax reimbursement grants and the erection of obstructions to aircrafts.
2705 18-410 Physical and Mental Criteria, Including Vision Standards Relating to the Licensing of Drivers
Updates the minimum medical requirements and standards for licensed drivers who are being treated for diabetes mellitus.
2704 18-411 School Bus Drivers
Updates the medical requirements and standards for school bus drivers diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.
2584 18-408 Roadside Rest Areas
Updates and clarifies conditions and activities not permitted at roadside rest areas and facilities.
2553 18-407 Prequalification of Bidders
Deletes the prequalification requirement for Rest Area Structures and Buildings to attract a greater number of bidders
2538 18-406 Emissions Inspection Program
Modifies emissions station signage requirements to include the posting of certain fees.
2510 18-404 Flashing or Revolving Lights on Emergency and Authorized Vehicles
Updates requirements and standards for flashing or revolving lights
2509 18-405 Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Speed-Timing Devices
Allows State Police to use "Moving Radar" and "Lidar"
2482 18-402 School Bus Drivers
Implements Act 76 of 2004 by adding chiropractors to the list of providers who may conduct physical examinations for school bus drivers
2481 18-400 School Buses and School Vehicles
Updates the safety and equipment standards for school buses and school vehicles.
2474 18-401 Administrative Practice and Procedure
Makes revisions and clarifications to the Department's provisions relating to administrative practice and procedure
2450 18-398 Driver's License Examination
Implements Act 76 of 2004 by adding chiropractors to the list of providers who may conduct physical examinations for drivers' licenses
2448 18-399 Permit Agents
Amends the definition of "Telegram Authority."
2439 18-393 Child Passenger Protection
Implements requirements for the use of child passenger restraint systems
2434 18-378 Access to and Occupancy of Highways by Driveways, Local Roads and Structures
Updates and revises regulations governing location, design, construction and maintenance of access for driveways and local roads on or near state highways
2433 18-397 Occupational Limited License
Establishes guidelines relating to the verification of information contained in petitions for an occupational limited license
2432 18-396 Proportional Registration of Fleet Vehicles
Establishes rules and procedures to implement bilateral agreements and the International Registration Plan for the registration of fleets
2427 18-395 Ignition Interlock
Adds standards and procedures for compliance with the sections of the vehicle code that deal with ignition interlock systems
2418 18-392 Official Traffic Control Devices
Adopts the national "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)" and establishes additional rules as needed
2417 18-377 Alcohol Highway Safety Schools and Driving Under the Influence Program Coordinators
Establishes the rules and procedures for the operation of Alcohol Highway Safety Schools
2388 18-387 Vehicles Required to Stop at Railroad Grade Crossings
Deletes the list of vehicles required to stop at railroad crossings. The list will now be published in the PA Bulletin.
2362 18-384 Enhanced Emission Inspection Program
Updates the vehicle emissions inspection program including the use of on-board diagnostic (OBD) testing and expands the program to include a total of 25 counties
2347 18-385 Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
Provides for visual inspection of emission control equipment on vehicles registered in counties where there is no emissions inspection program
2346 18-374 Physical and Mental Criteria, Including Vision Standards Relating to the Licensing of Drivers
Provides for a waiver of the seizure-free requirement and the corrective lens requirement for certain drivers and provides for a restricted license for certain drivers with a visual acuity of at least 20/100
2338 18-373 Official Traffic Control Devices
Adopts the National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and also establishes additional rules not in the MUTCD for traffic control devices
2337 18-383 Enhanced Emission Inspection Program
Adopts alternate final emission standards developed by EPA for vehicles subject to the acceleration simulation mode test
2335 18-371 Liquid Fuels Tax Funds
Conforms the requirements specific to municipal contracts involving the expenditures of liquid fuels tax monies to recent statutory amendments
2280 18-371 Chapter 449 Liquid Fuels Tax Funds
Updates and revises provisions relating to forms and bonding requirements to reflect recent statutory changes
2258 18-372 School Buses
Establishes procedures and criteria by which individuals with certain medical conditions may qualify to be school bus drivers, and allows school buses to display roof-top identification numbers
2249 18-370 Service, Acceptance, and Use of Legal Process and Legal Proceedings
Updates office addresses and phone numbers for service of legal documents
2147 18-359 Display of Registration Plates
Institutes rear window registration stickers for the Philadelphia area
2070 18-349 Administrative Practice and Procedure; Outdoor Advertising
Amends rules for administrative hearings before hearing officers of the Department of Transportation
2068 18-352 Distribution of Highway Maintenance Funds
Rescinds 67 Pa. Code Chapter 453 regarding standards and methodology for pavement distress data collection
1885 18-341 Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
Requires that a vehicle pass the enhanced emission inspection before a renewed safety inspection sticker may be affixed to the vehicle and allows for the use of temporary safety inspection approval indicators.
1883 18-342 Licensing
Allows certified registered nurse practitioners and physician assistants to conduct preliminary physical examinations required for the initial issuance of a driver's license and a school bus driver endorsement.
1813 18-340 Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Speed-Timing Devices
Provides calibrating and testing procedures for electronic radar speed timing devices
1765 18-331 Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
Clarifies existing state inspection and equipment requirements for motor vehicles, including acceptable modifications to vehicles
1761 18-337 Temporary Registration Cards and Plates
Updates existing regulations for issuance of temporary registration cards and plates and clarifies where the Department has discretion in assessing penalties
1743 18-335 Intrastate Motor Carrier Safety Requirements
Mandates medical examinations and physical qualifications for commercial motor vehicle drivers employed by state and local governments
1741 18-339 Work Zone Traffic Control
Amendment authorizes the use of "bar" and "four corners" symbols as "caution" warnings to motorists when they approach road work sites.
1730 18-336 Enhanced Emission Inspection
Deletes centralized vehicle emissions inspection program and establishes a decentralized vehicle emissions inspection program.
1707 18-318 Prequalification of Bidders
Amends Penndot's practice and procedure regulation for evaluating the capacity and qualifications of contractors who bid on highway project work in Pennsylvania.
1661 18-324 School Buses and School Vehicles
Updates existing requirements for school buses and school vehicles to conform standards to Federal requirements and vehicle code amendments.
1642 18-332 Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Speed-Timing Devices
Provides for the use of an additional speed-timing device for use by state and local law enforcement agencies for enforcement of posted speed limits.
1632 18-325 Interstate Motor Carrier Safety Requirements
Incorporates federal standards for intrastate motor carrier drivers to have biannual medical exams
1614 18-328 School Bus Drivers
Amends requirements for certifying and recertifying school bus drivers
1613 18-326 Enhanced Emission Inspection
1608 18-322 Minimum Standards for Fixed Base Operations
Establishes minimum service standards for fixed base operators at Harrisburg International and Capital City airports.
1587 18-323 Interstate Motor Carrier Safety Requirements
1573 18-317 Driver's License Examination
Establishes a new system of class licensing and new commercial driver's license requirements in order to comply with mandates imposed by the federal Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act.
1566 18-320 Temporary Registration Cards & Plates;Manufacturers, Dealers & Miscellaneous Motor Vehicle Businesses Registration Plates
Clarifies that imposition of certain sanctions is not discretionary.
1565 18-307 Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
Amends PennDOT regulation at 67 Pa Code Chapter 175 relating to applicable light transmittance requirements for vehicle glass and establishes procedures for certification of exemption.
1558 18-321 Posting of Private Parking Lots
Conforms regulation to statutory requirements by adding responsibilities for parking lot owners to install penalty signs at handicapped parking stalls
1554 18-319 Interstate/Intrastate Motor Carrier Safety Requirements
Incorporates by reference recently enacted Federal requirements banning the use of radar detectors in the operation of commercial motor vehicles
1513 18-316 Work Zone Traffic Control
Updates uniform system of traffic control devices for work zones on public roads.
1453 18-313 Enhanced Emission Inspection Program - Chapter 177
1425 18-312 Permanent Registration of Fleet Vehicles
Establishes a permanent registration system for fleets of 100 or more vehicles
1349 18-311 Authorizing Appropriately Attired Persons to Direct, Control or Regulate Traffic
Authorizes certain personnel of the Bureau of State Parks in the Department of Environmental Resources to direct traffic after they have completed the Traffic Control Training Course
1319 18-310 Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
1317 18-309 Hazardous Materials Transportation
Revises rules relating to hazardous materials transportation.
1276 18-305 Use of Flashing and Revolving Lights
Updates PennDot's regulations on the authorized use and display of flashing and/or revolving lights on emergency and authorized vehicles
1272 18-308 Ramp Metering Signals
1271 18-306 Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
To make proof of insurance part of vehicle inspections and extend grace period for the inspection of vehicles that are sold without valid Pa inspection
1258 18-302 Exemptions for Physical Reasons from Child Passenger Restraint Sy
1244 18-300 Engineering and Traffic Studies
1243 18-303 Oversize and Overweight Loads and Vehicles
1209 18-288 Physical and Mental Criteria Including Vision Standards
1202 18-304 Interstate Motor Carrier Safety Requirements
1191 18-295 Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
1170 18-298 Proportional Registration of Fleet Vehicles
1167 18-299 Work Zone Traffic Control
1153 18-294 Temporary Registration Cards and Plates
1149 18-296 Chapter 83 - Physical & Mental Criteria
1148 18-291 Administrative Practice and Procedure
1136 18-292 Transfer, Exchange and Reclassification of Registration
1101 18-290 Personal Plates
1090 18-289 Shared-Ride Transportation Services
1041 18-287 Local Real Estate Tax Reimbursement Grants
1040 18-286 Obstruction to Aircraft
1039 18-285 Airport Rating and Licensing
1038 18-284 Aviation Development Grants
1033 18-283 Reports to Bureau of Driving Licensing
1019 18-249 Distribution of Highway Maintenance Funds
1018 18-281 Specially Constructed Vehicles, Reconstructed Vehicles & Street Rods
1005 18-276 Special Point Examinations
1004 18-278 School Bus Drivers
1003 18-279 Driver's Licensing Examination
0999 18-282 School Bus Drivers
0945 18-272 Chapter 175: Vehicle Equipment & Inspection
0932 18-275 Temporary Registration Cards and Plates
0928 18-273 Driver's License Examination
0925 18-274 Antique and Classic Vehicles
0884 18-271 Display of Registration Plates
0883 18-270 Mobile Home Titling
0857 18-269 Posting of Private Parking Lots
0844 18-263 Authorized Vehicles and Special Operating Privileges
0840 18-262 Municipal Traffic Engineering Certifications
0839 18-261 Registration Criteria
0803 18-259 Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
0802 18-260 Oversize and Overweight Loads and Vehicles
0799 18-258 Hazardous Materials
0771 18-225 Registration Class Stickers
0770 18-254 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax
0762 18-257 Vehicles Required to Stop at Railroad Grade Crossings
0736 18-253 Surrender and Cancellation of Driver's License
0735 18-252 Leasing of Right-of-Way
0728 18-251 Identification Cards
0726 18-248 Mass Transit Vehicle Inspection
0714 18-249 Methodology for the Distribution of Highway maintenance Funds
0711 18-246 Photographic Driver's License
0709 18-250 Staggered Registration-Chapter 57
0706 18-247 School Bus Drivers
0705 18-243 Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Speed-Timing Devices
0704 18-245 Permit Agents - Chapter 65
0703 18-244 Apportioned Registration of Fleet Vehicles
0700 18-232 Occupancy of Highways by Utilities
0688 18-242 Portable Emergency Warning Devices Chapter 167
0687 18-241 Vehicle Equipment and Inspection Chapter 175
0677 18-240 Emission Inspection Program
0665 18-234 Intrastate Motor Carrier Safety
0652 18-239 Chap. 155: Use and Display of Illuminated Signs
0635 18-238 Engineering and Traffic Studies
0633 18-237 Chap. 171: School Busses and School Vehicles
0610 18-235 Shared-Ride Transportation Service Reimbursement
0574 18-233 Stnds. and Methodologies for the Distribution of Highway Maint. Funds
0573 18-229 Placement of Inspection Stickers on Motorcycles
0480 18-224 Chap. 177: Emission Inspection Program
0476 18-227 Chap. 229: Interstate Motor carrier Safety
0473 18-221 Seizure of Registration Plate & Card and Driver's License
0464 18-226 Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronic Speed-Timing Devices
0427 18-225 Stnds. & Methodology for the Dist. of Highway Main. Funds
0426 18-220 Aviation Code
0400 18-209 Chap. 175: Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
0394 18-214 Shared-Ride Transportation Service Reimbursement
0382 18-215 Requests for Access to the Designated highway Network
0348 18-212 Special Highway Conditions
0341 18-204 Temporary Weight Increase Registration Permits
0331 18-197 Identification Cards
0319 18-205 Chapter 49 - Personal Plates
0318 18-203 Hold-down and Tie-down Devices Metal Cargo and Logs
0317 18-210 Reports to Bureau of Driver Licensing
0303 18-208 Standards and Methodology for the Distribution of Highway Maintenance Funds
0302 18-202 Oversize and Overweight Loads and Vehicles
0292 18-206 Chapter 77 - Test Procedures and Accuracy Certification for Breath Test Devices
0286 18-193 Special Mobile Equipment
0284 18-200 Salvors
0271 18-161 Pennsylvania Lotto
0270 18-196 Chapter 17 - Authorization to Verify Identification Number
0269 18-194 Implements of Husbandry
0268 18-192 Exemption for Physical Reasons from Child Passenger Restraint System Requirements
0267 18-186 Delivery of Certificates of Title
0262 18-198 Display of Registration Plates
0257 18-183 Chap. 83 - Physical & Mental Criteria Including Vision Standards Relating to the Licensing of Drivers
0215 18-189 Chapter 177 - Emission Inspection Program
0200 18-187 Antique & Classic Vehicles
0199 18-185 Temporary Registration Cards and Plates
0197 18-182 School Bus Drivers
0187 18-165 Emission Inspection Program
0178 18-184 Standards & Methodology for the Distribution of Highway Maintenance Funds
0171 18-174 Chapter 175 - Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
0165 18-180 Vehicle Equipment & Inspection
0134 18-181 Work Zone Traffic Control
0133 18-172 Authorized Vehicles and Special Operating Privileges
0132 18-179 Mechanical, Electrical & Electronic Speed-Timing Devices
0123 18-178 Liquid Fuels Tax Funds
0122 18-177 Liquid Fuels Tax Funds
0118 18-176 Chapter 175: Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
0114 18-175 Mechanical, Electrical & Electronic Speed-Timing Devices
0113 18-168 Chapter 53 - Manufacturers, Dealers & Misc Motor Vehicle Business registration Plates
0096 18-170 Messenger Services
0091 18-164 Retention of Records
0090 18-158 Hazardous Substance
0089 18-155 Driver's License Examination
0086 18-167 Emission Inspection Program
0068 18-159 Vehicles Required to Stop at Railroad Grade Crossings
0067 18-163 Leasing of Real Property
0061 18-169 Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Speed-Timing Devices
0060 18-145A Test Procedures and Accuracy Certification for Breath test Devices
0059 18-166 Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Speed-Timing Devices
0046 18-162 Prequalification of Bidders
0040 18-165 Emission Inspection Program
0039 18-157 PA No-Fault Motor Vehicle Insurance Act
0019 18-143 Overweight and Oversize Loads and Vehicles
0018 18-151 Identification Cards Ch. 91
0015 18-148 Registration Class Stickers
0013 18-152 Standards for Distributing Highway Funds
0009 18-150 Staggered Registration
0006 18-2 School Busses & Vehicles
0003 18-154 Breath Test Devices